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Re: Re: FEniCS


arbitrary form. This
probably does not exhaust the uses, but shows that one component may be used lots of different ways.

Another benefit of components.

The metrics I like for FEniCS components (squishy as they may be) are conceptual fertility and ease of use.

The first of these is a nice way of rephrasing my comment that we have to be about ideas.

Lastly, standards are great. But in my opinion, all standards are just a community admitting that someone has done a good job. That is why standards efforts which do not embody advances made by actual simulation (ESI, CCA) never work. The best way to integrate FEniCS into the community is to
work with application groups directly.

I agree with this. This may mean finding ways of butting our pieces into their codes (e.g. putting FIAT into Sundance of CIG as a way to sell weird elements/more than linears to the apps people using it) rather than/on top of doing our own thing just the way we would want it.

However, we are seeing certain fields (e.g. geosciences) are ripe for significant reinvestment into codes. My comments are intended to suggest that we need to actively find ways of selling what we can to these communities.

"Failure has a thousand explanations. Success doesn't need one" -- Sir Alec Guiness

Rob Kirby

"Mathematical software should be mathematical."
