On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 04:57:04PM +0200, Evan Lezar wrote:
Hi all
I do not have much personal experience with either launchpad or bitbucket, but
I would have to say that hosting everything (mailing list, code, etc) in one
place makes more sense to me.
I agree we should move to a hosted service. This is more reliable in
the long run as we don't need to rely on someone's IT support to run
the service. Simula have been very helpful the last 3 years with
managing the server, but that support may not be indefinite. I've also
spent quite a bit of time over the years in setting up and maintaining
web servers, mailing lists, bug tracking systems etc but it's not
something I want to spend much more time on.
In addition, I see that bitbucket is not a free service.
It's not a big problem to spend some small amount on hosting like the
current fee of $5/month for the plan we would need. But what about the
backend? Does anyone know if it's free? I know Launchpad is but what
about Bitbucket?
Something else to consider is CNAME support. We can get this with
Bitbucket so that the address for the repository would still be
www.fenics.org/hg/foo as an alias for the Bitbucket address.
Does Launchpad have this?