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Re: UFR - The Unified Fenics Repository


Hi Anders,

Anders Logg writes:

> Thanks for the pointers. This would solve one part of the problem -
> having to commit in separate repositories and branching each one when
> working on features that cut across projects.

One tool that appears to be popular for working in git and pushing to
bazaar is [1].

> However, it doesn't solve the overhead of making releases of 6
> different packages and clicking the buttons in Launchpad, making
> tarballs, release notes etc for each one.

I don't really have an opinion on unification, but perhaps some scripts
using the Launchpad API[2] could solve the button clicking problem?  I
had a quick look and there are various scripts available, e.g. [3]
appears to upload release tarballs.

Other things people have done is move the code to github and use lp for
the packaging [4].


[1]  https://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng

[2]  https://help.launchpad.net/API

[3]  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lazr-developers/launchpadlib/trunk/view/head:/contrib/upload_release_tarball.py

[4]  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-devel/+spec/move-to-github

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