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Migration from eggs&gems to rpms, step by step.



As you know, nailgun and naily are installed on master node into virtual
environments from source packages. It is convenient for developers and
nightmare for continuous integration.

We almost finished creation of rpm packages all the things. But here we
face an issue: we need additional time for make system change. It will
allow developer to build private versions of packages from the source code.
Without this update the only option for creation of packages is via our
ci/cd infrastructure.

In ideal world we should wait till make system update. But we are limited
in time, because packaging is dependency for master node upgrades. And
there is a risk to spend about two weeks on changes and tests.

Obviously we can't merge migration to rpm right now, because it will
totally break our ability to create development iso.

My proposal is to build development iso as before, in virtual environments.
And for iso from master branch use packages. It will require additional
flag during build time and will allow us start test packages really soon.

Disadvantage of this solution - for some time we will have different types
of builds and can create possible issues.
Another disadvantage - we will need extra code, but it is about 15 lines
and seems ok for me.

I'm going to create blueprint if nobody have strong objections.

Follow ups