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Public IP adresses question


Hi Rene,
let me redirect your question.

Guys, please consider the item below:

René Schultz Madsen <rm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I was just looking at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/ip-
ranges-validation and saw that you have written: "Public gateway, public
ranges, external floating IP range must belong to public CIDR." at

To me and our setup it would be really bad if the public IP addresses in
Fuel needs to be real public addresses. First of all we have openstack
place on a private network and have no plans of using public ip
addresses for the "public" ip range.

Or is it not what point 3 below neutron is about?

Kind Regards,
Julia Aranovich,
Software Engineer,
Mirantis, Inc
+7 (905) 388-82-61 (cell)
Skype: juliakirnosova
jaranovich@xxxxxxxxxxxx <jkirnosova@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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