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Re: Future (was: [RFC] libgeda data structures and algorithms)


On Monday 17 December 2012 13:45:21 Ivan Stankovic wrote:
> Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, it's just that similar efforts
> were not met with much enthusiasm previously, to put it mildly.  In
> fact, I admire you for showing an enormous amount of enthusiasm, long
> after I decided that all hope is lost.
> As always, if you decide to go with the rewrite, you'll have my full
> support and I'll try to conribute both in the discussions and code.

Well, to summarize the important points:

1) We're pretty close to the point at which we need to decide whether we 
bite the bullet and carry out a major rewrite of gschem, or give up; the 
sort of problems that I'm running up against while trying to develop 
gEDA/gaf further seem to be pretty fundamental.

2) If we (i.e. the gEDA/gaf dev team) decide on the "rewrite" option, 
then it's only going to happen if we work as a team to *make* it happen, 
without getting disheartened or sidetracked by bikeshedding or negative 
attitude from others.  Honestly, do we have the team for it?

> Right, and this is why I tried to not go too far from the original
> libgeda design when I started on libeda, but that has its downsides.
> In the end, I'm not sure whether it's worth the trouble.

Is it indeed?

> > But I don't think I
> > can emphasise enough that I am not aiming for perfection, but for
> > *success*, i.e. delivering tools that people can use to do things.
> I would very much like to see that happen.

Our options seem to be:

1) Acknowledge that gEDA/gaf is at the "mature" and/or "in decline" 
stage of the product lifecycle and that we don't have the 
manpower/energy for gEDA/gaf "2.0"

2) Get our heads down and crank out a revamped library, schematic 
editor, netlister, and maybe an updated file format to go with it

So what's the plan, folks?


Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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