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Re: v0.5 for OpenSuSE?


On 11/05/2010 11:58 AM, Seif Lotfy wrote:

> you are working with GNOME Activity Journal 0.5 so you need to get the
latest zeitgeist code. 0.5 or greater

Seif hello.

Thank you for the reply.

There are presently two showstoppers:

+ *autogen.sh* complains about missing files in the *autoconf* macro
directory even though I have copied them to
*/usr/share/autoconf/autoconf* as *root*. Perhaps this is not the
"autoconf macro directory". If not, then to what does *autogen.sh*
consider to be "the autoconf directory"?

+ I am missing *rdflib* and cannot find it through extensive googling. I
found *liblrdf.devel* but this did not solve the problem. I found the
rdf metadata XML file on Launchpad, but don't know where to put it if
this is what is required.

So, step by step  below, here is the work I have done so far, so now,
what next, coach?

Kind regards,
C. Andrews Lavarre
15 Willow Street
Newport, RI 02840


To get the latest zeitgeist you must join {Launchpad} and upload your
SSH public key to {Canonical Bazaar} then log in (as user from the

    bzr launchpad-login alavarre

Then, download zeitgeist:

    cd ~/; bzr get lp:zeitgeist
        andy@P1630:~ # cd ~/; bzr get lp:zeitgeist
        Enter passphrase for key '/home/andy/.ssh/id_rsa':
        Branched 1626

The intial run fails as either user andy or root:

    cd ~/zeitgeist; ./zeitgeist-daemon.py
        ImportError: Unable to load zeitgeist ontology, please run
`make` and try again.

So I decide to run autogen.sh. I try this both as andy and  root. Even
as root it still complains:

    Please add the files
      codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4
    from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to your autoconf macro directory
    or directly to your aclocal.m4 file.
    You will also need config.guess and config.sub, which you can get from

but then does run to completion:
*        ...
        Now type `make' to compile zeitgeist
Now, as root I add the files:

    codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4

from the /usr/share/aclocal directory to the autoconf macro directory,
which I assume is


isc-posix.m4 does not exist. Googling indicates that it is not needed
for autoconf newer than 2005,  but I found a copy and included it anyhow.

I checked config.guess and config.sub, but we already have these in
numerous locations.

But the  make  still fails even as root:
*     make
        ImportError: No module named rdflib
So now back to YaST to find the liblrdf.devel modules. Once done return
here and try the build again.

Still no joy.

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