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I made a docky plugin for GTG


I used the dbus api to make this, its almost perfect, but I would like a
dbus function to access the number of active tasks to have its dock icon
superimpose this.

Ubuntu FTW!

import atexit
import gobject
import glib
import sys
import os
import dbus

	from docky.docky import DockyItem, DockySink
	from signal import signal, SIGTERM
	from sys import exit
except ImportError, e:

def newTask():
 bus = dbus.SessionBus()
 liste = bus.list_names()
 busname = None
 busgps = None
 #We take the list of all buses actually available
 for i in liste :
    if i.startswith("org.GTG") :
        busname = i
 if busname :
    remote_object = bus.get_object(busname,"/org/GTG")
    timi = dbus.Interface(remote_object,dbus_interface="org.GTG")
    #Calling the method
    print "GTG not found on DBus. Are you sure GTG is started?"

def newWindow():
 bus = dbus.SessionBus()
 liste = bus.list_names()
 busname = None
 busgps = None
 #We take the list of all buses actually available
 for i in liste :
    if i.startswith("org.GTG") :
        busname = i
 if busname :
    remote_object = bus.get_object(busname,"/org/GTG")
    timi = dbus.Interface(remote_object,dbus_interface="org.GTG")
    #Calling the method
    print "GTG not found on DBus. Are you sure GTG is started?"

class DockyGTGItem(DockyItem):
 def __init__(self, path):
  DockyItem.__init__(self, path)

  menu_id = self.iface.AddMenuItem ("New Task", "/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-day.png", "Task Controls")
  self.id_map[menu_id] = "NewTask"

  menu_id = self.iface.AddMenuItem ("Open Tasks List", "gtg", "Task Controls")
  self.id_map[menu_id] = "OpenWindow"

 def menu_pressed(self, menu_id):
  if self.id_map[menu_id] == "NewTask":
  elif self.id_map[menu_id] == "OpenWindow":

class DockyGTGSink(DockySink):
 def item_path_found(self, pathtoitem, item):
  if item.GetOwnsDesktopFile() and item.GetDesktopFile().endswith("gtg.desktop"):
   self.items[pathtoitem] = DockyGTGItem(pathtoitem)

dockysink = DockyGTGSink()

def cleanup():

if __name__ == "__main__":
 mainloop = gobject.MainLoop(is_running=True)

 atexit.register (cleanup)
 signal(SIGTERM, lambda signum, stack_frame: exit(1))


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