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Re: XPS L501X - switching nVidia off


On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 22:21 +0000, Dawid Lorenz wrote:
> Basically, ./test_off.sh script "works!" on different part of the test
> in my case but I'm not sure what does that mean, really. Could someone
> explain what these acronyms (ie. \_SB.PCI0.P0P1.PEGP._OFF) exactly
> mean? 

They are the ACPI method names, that are used on various Optimus-enabled
systems to turn off the GPU. Because there is no standardized name for
this (every vendor uses his own ACPI methods, some even cannot be turned
of using ACPI), we have to to call every single method name collected on
this mailing list, until one available on the system is found.

The 'works!' does not necessarily mean that the battery rate will be
lower - just that the method was found, and calling it resulted in no
error, therefore it "works". It should probably deserve a better name
and reporting, but at the time I wrote it, it was used just for testing,
hence the name: "test_off.sh" :)

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