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Re: Re: Subversion Repository (ATTN: Jean-Pierre)


igor_plyatov a écrit :

Hello Bryan!

> I think I can add some comments to this conversation that might help us
> find the best solution. I currently run the KiCad wiki and also set up
> this developer mailing list in the hope that more people would become
> interested in the project (which it seems to have done.)
Can you public you contacts at
http://kicad. bokeoa.com/ wiki/index. php/About_ developers <http://kicad.bokeoa.com/wiki/index.php/About_developers>
> I don't believe Jean-Pierre likes to use a revision control system
> himself. I set up the Berlios site about a year and a half ago and
> while I was able to get him to register as a developer, he never
> contributed to the subversion repository there...
> https://developer. berlios.de/ projects/ kicad/ <https://developer.berlios.de/projects/kicad/>
> Since there seems to be new interest building a development community
> around KiCad, I think we should first start by closing down one or the
> other of these sites to not confuse people (either one, I don't care).
Maybe better to close old.
This is because now we have:
* more developers and contributors at new repository.
* more real activity (not a simple merging of official releases).
* more commits per week.
* the same information about new repository published at two sites.

> Then there should be "community edition" releases of KiCad for the
> people that want the new features but don't want to learn/use
> subversion.
Of course this must be done!
We have some and we need more packagers who will publish ready to use

> Maybe base the version off Jean-Pierre' s version numbers
> (something like '2007-05-25 CE1') or start with a more normal versioning
> scheme (1.0).
For now better to use old versioning scheme to not confuse people
(with "CEx" addition).

> While this solution would technically be a fork, it would spur
> development in KiCad which would only be beneficial to us all. The only
> problem would be if the trees start diverging from each other too much,
> but I don't think any of us really want that.
I think Jean-Pierre do not have much time to make big changes in short
time :-(

> Jean-Pierre: Any thoughts?
> Bryan
Igor Plyatov

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA - INPG)
46, Avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex
