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Re: Creating an interface to FreeRouting


[moved to the KiCAD Development list]

Dick H. wrote:
Please forward to one of these Kicad lists, any documentation links to this "Spectra DSN format" for future reference. So that even after
this is implemented, somebody can support any code written for it.

Behold, the full Cadence SPECCTRA Design Language Reference:

The documentation itself makes the format look like a bit of a swine, but the example files look fairly simple. I haven't seen what KiCAD's files look like, though...

Best guess, this is going to involve:
- Converting the component layout and netlist data
- Reading and converting the PCB footprint data
- Converting the padstack data

So probably not a small job by any stretch of the imagination...

Phil. | (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny
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