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Re: Re: eeschema: how to handle component references on multiple duplicated subsheet


> The gEDA import is interesting. Four paths come to mind:
> File type____________convert__________import__
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> eeschema symbols 1 2
> pcbnew footprints 3 4
> We could pursue either batch converters, or we could pursue
> an abstract import API which would allow Kicad to use the gEDA
> libraries directly, with "on the fly conversion", as
> the file is read in.
> Of course, I'd prefer 2 and 4 in the above matrix, and I want them
> done tomorrow. :)

haha, yea, I'd like them done tomorrow, too.
I'd prefer to have on-the-fly conversion; it's just a matter of
looking at the source for gEDA. It won't be a direct copy & fix,
though, as the packages have different features, and, moreover, gEDA
uses m4 for handling the files (i think)

> Boy, that felt good. (I'm usually on the other end of that type of
> interchange.)
