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dialog edit component in schematic


Your last changes in eeschema are very promising.
I noticed you have problems with the "convert" option in component editor dialog.

This this relative to the "De Morgan" double representation of gates.

Eeschema handles more than one shape for a given component.
(in fact as many shapes as you want)
But usually 2 shapes are enough (i.e. the De Morgan representation of AND, OR gates like a 74ls00).
I do not know if "De Morgan" has a meaning in USA.
This means only for an AND gate (with active high inputs/outputs) like a 74ls08 the hability to used it as a NOR gate with active low inputs/outputs So an option like convert/normal selection for these gates is usually enough.
The convert choice select the second shape entered for this component.

Note i used also this feature for some components that have 2 modes of operation (with very different features in each mode), to show them with the best appearance according to the selected mode in my schematic.

The function int LookForConvertPart( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry )
(in getpart.cpp) returns 0 or 1 for components with a single representation
(or the number of shapes for the same component. Currently <= 2 )

By the way, have you tested the last version of zones handling , with the last enhancements ?

Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
Maître de conférences
Directeur d'études 2ieme année.
Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle 2
Institut Universitaire de Technologie 1 de Grenoble
BP 67, 38402 St Martin d'Heres Cedex

Recherche :
Grenoble Image Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA - INPG)
46, Avenue Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex

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