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Re: Library work



Vesa Solonen napsal(a):
All old schematics use that style and I've gotten used to it, but I'm
ready to adapt to non-circled version too. The legacy of transistors being
the most valuable parts in a system may be the reason for emphasis rings
too. You know, some (tens of) years ago they were priced at months salary
or so...

If I could choose I'd like to use the one with circle. They are just nicer for me.

Btw, do you have something to say about SVG? I'm thinking very basic
support for converter supporting only basic shapes and rotation
transformation. Basic shapes (9) and coordinate system (7)
http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/ <http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/>

If there is ever going to be 'complete' IEC-617 symbol library we are
going to need a good symbol primitive library and good manipulation toos.
And thats where readily available SVG-tools will get handy. Good examples
are switches and relays, which most have two primitives in various
configurations and using library editor gets tedious soon. Higher level
format would also be more future proof if new definitions are going to be
added some day.

Not a professional but IMO conversion could be pretty easy.


P.S. I've read your document because I'm working on IEC 617 coresponding library. Want to make default Kicad library nice and right.


Follow ups
