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PCBnew & Module Editor


A funny behaviour appears if a segment between to vias gets moved.
The vias will also be moved and it looks like a invisible connection 
exists between the wires the vias and the segment that is moved.

Module Editor
To change the width of a line/drawing the following steps are 
1) Right click on the line
2) Select from context menu: "Set Width"
3) Right click again on the line
4) Select "Edit" -> "Edit Width (Current)" or "Edit Width (All)" to 
get the new width assigned to the object

A little bit inconvenient. How about ...

1) to use the dialog from "Set Width" directly for "Edit Width 
(Current)" and "Edit Width (All)" and to remove the "Set Width" menu 
2) Keep it as it is but change ...
"Edit Width (Current)" to "Assign Width (Current)"
"Edit Width (All)" to "Assign Width (All)"

Don't know if these things are worth a bug report so I report it here.
