Dick Hollenbeck a écrit :
Is our file format for the menu choice "Post Process" | "Generate
Modules Position" any kind of standard? (The *.pos files.) Are people
relying on this file format to adhere to some standard? If it is our
own format, then I would ask why we need a separate file for each side
of the board. We have the column which says which layer the component
is on, and I would prefer that there only be one file, not one for each
side. The column is redundant or the 2nd file is redundant.
The nice thing about having a single file is it makes it easier to do a
diff on the files generated from two revisions of the board. This can
reduce the amount of work involved in reprogramming a pick and place
machine as a result of a board spin.
What are others' thoughts?
This file format is only what is asked by my board manufacturer.
I do not know if this is a standard.