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broken eeschema


My big schematic file seems to be loading differently under the new 
eeschema. I have a ground symbol in my private library. I used that in 
the schematic. My personal library is right next to the schematic file 
in the same directory as the schematic file, which is all part of the 
same project.
Now with the most recent eeschema, suddenly I have 83 erc errors, when I 
load the same, unmodified schematic into the newest eeschema.
The date of my schematic file is Feb 2009 so nothing changed in it in 
If I load the same unmodified schematic file into a eeschema build made 
with code at or around April 1st, there are no erc errors.
When I say the ground symbol is separated from the wires, there is a 
vertical gap in the newest software. Is it possible that there is a 
different ground symbol being used, or is there something else at work here?

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