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Re: Re: Distributed Version Control


wafeliron wrote:
Why not GIT ?
It's becoming the "standard" and is very fast and not-bloated. You have also a feature to have a git-svn bridge.

Why not GIT:

1) Git *is* bloated,
2) is hard to learn for newbies,
3) is written in linux like C, there is no reason to use C for applications.
4) doesn't install well and run simply on windows (MSYS or CYGWIN required) I don't we should inflict CYGWIN on anyone.
5) is not common to both sourceforge and launchpad.net (bazaar is)
6) does not have a powerful python repo manipulation API, like bazaar's.
7) is not supported by folks with a culture of friendliness like bazaar is.
8) has weird revision IDs
9) GITs bridging to svn in not unique.
10) I don't like GIT, mostly because of 1-8.

DVCS *software speed* is not really a concern because the traffic at the REPO site is often the bottleneck in any transaction.

We have a contemplated move to launchpad.net (and on that subject I have mixed emotions). However, we need a DVCS to scale the project upwards and make it easier to experiment and dovetail with the work of others. And since the move to launchpad is still an open issue (and launchpad is bazaar centric), I think we should

*switch to bazaar immediately after this current release*,

even if we stay at sourceforge.

As to the move to launchpad, I am neutral on it. But switching to bazaar means we only have to change VCS systems once, although we hold open the possibility of moving the repo to launchpad.

If staying at sourceforge, then I will finish firing up Trac on sourceforge (which I have begun to do, was waiting for them to finalize the enabling).

I hope this is a sufficient answer to your question. The answer comes from a long time thinking about it and weighing all the pros and cons.
My long term vision for the footprint retrieval interface is best served 
by folks becoming familiar with bazaar. The python repo manipulation 
API is something that might come in handy. The footprint retrieval 
plugins can bring in a bridge into python, which in turn can grab stuff 
out of a dedicated footprint repo, over the net obviously.


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