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Re: Is there any rule for commiting change to library. (fwd)


It seems the list went without a copy... Also, joys of LP: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/334064

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Yes, there is something on my mind :). It seems to me that the new-lib project is not quite active. I think
it will be more attractive to the developers if we include the work from new-lib to main library. We may not
include it in the project template (just like SymbolsSimilarEN60617+oldDIN617.lib) so we can use it for
development only.

What is your opinion?

I think the main library needs serious structural thinking before anything should be done there. If the new-lib is not very active it's probably because of no ideas/time and other commitments. Also pending file format change may slow some development.

If we could first agree on the library structure and naming, then it would be possible to start migrating stuff in the old library to the new and eventually end up having a release quality new-lib v. 0.0.1 or thereabouts.

Much of the old library stuff needs manual redrawing or clever scripting in the migration, so it may be better to start from scratch. The main point is that if we don't make the transition rigorously and with best practices from the start, we'll be fixing it all the time afterwards.
