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Layers proposal


What do you guys think about me adding 2 layers: Assembly_Front &
Assembly_Back? It would hold graphical information useful for assembly
drawings and part layout. 

Presently I keep a courtyard (ideal part keepout area) and part outline
(worst case part keepout area) on the documentation layers. The problem
is that I can't use this for assembly documentation because both front
and back are mixed in the  printout. 

Also when laying out parts the front and back parts get mixed
together... However even with this I find the information invaluable;
I'm working with extremely small, tightly packed circuits and I need to
know exactly where part boundaries are. 

Front and back assembly layers would hold information for assembly
drawings. In my case I would place part outlines and assembly notes on
it, with courtyards staying on the documentation layer.

Having a front and back assembyly layer would help me with layout, where
un-highlighted side would be dimmed. 


I see that there are 3 slots left in the  layers data structure so this
would fit. If I undertook this change would it likely be accepted? Is
there a variation people would prefer?


