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Re: Revisiting the Git decision (I come in peace! - with a patch)


On 2/2/2014 9:16 AM, Mitch Davis wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 10:40 PM, Joel Holdsworth
> <joel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> discouraged by the friction.
> Amen.
> Mitch.

Is using Bazaar really enough "friction" (your word not mine) to prevent
developers from contributing to KiCad?  I hope not.  That would be a
very sad commentary indeed.  In the 25 years or so of software
development, I've used almost every open source and quite a few
proprietary VCSs.  I never found any of them that difficult to learn (at
least as far as the client is concerned) to use it as an excuse for not
contributing to a project.  If I thought for a second that switching to
GIT would make life significantly easier or bring a flood of new highly
skilled developers to the project, I would agree to it in a heartbeat.
Either I am not that naive or too stubborn change just for the sake of
the latest and greatest VCS.  The question to ask should not be whether
or not to use GIT, it should be which tool best serves the needs of the
project.  As long as we host the project on Launchpad, Bazaar is
probably the best fit unless all of the Launchpad specific tools in
Bazaar have been ported to GIT.  If they have, I haven't seen them so
please point me in the right direction so I can test them.  We have so
many more important issues to resolve than keeping up with the latest
VCS.  For those who weren't around for the transition from
Subversion/SourceForge to Bazaar/Launchpad, there was a lot of hand
holding required for several months by the lead developers.  I
personally am not ready to go through that again any time soon.  While I
agree that the lack of development on Bazaar is not a good thing, it
doesn't mean that we should immediately abandoned ship a switch to GIT.
 What happens when GIT matures to the point where development slows down
or the next great VCS becomes more popular than GIT?  Do we kick it to
the curb and jump on the next "great" thing?  If someone can provide
quantifiable data that GIT will speed up development and/or bring more
developers in the project, I would be willing to open up the discussion


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