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Re: GAL for non-OpenGL


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 09:48:38AM +0200, Maciej Sumiński wrote:
> >Question: why not simply do a GAL implementation using wxDC instead of
> >the other way? Are there technical issues on that?
> It is exactly the way how we would like to have it done - develop another
> rendering backend using wxDC (and then if there is some spare time available
> - aalib).

OK, then I have misinterpreted the work entry.

aalib!? LoooLLLL (I really hope is a samenamed lib to the asciiart one.
Otherwise it's better libcaca, it does color too:P)

> Try experimenting with color settings. There are (unoffical yet) hot keys
> for changing transparency of the active layer (shift+[ & shift+]) - maybe
> that can help a bit. Personally, I think that antialiasing could make a
> difference too (have a look at the Cairo backend).

Yep, I see better stuff with aliasing since the border is clear and not
fuzzy. However since the current opengl calls are not using antialiasing
that doesn't seem to be the case. I'll try the alpha tuning, thanks for
the advice.

Lorenzo Marcantonio
Logos Srl
