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Re: KiCad build.


On 08/20/2014 05:07 PM, Michael Narigon wrote:
> Gents,
> It probably landed in your spam filter (half the e-mails from the developers list do to me) but I sent a message that I am pretty far along on what you are discussing. See the tar file at https://code.launchpad.net/~mnarigon.
> I used the good work you guys had and cleaned it up. I used the kicad-build.sh concept of the build steps (and KiCadOSXBuilder) and separated out the KiCad build process into a number of steps that can be selectively executed. For those platforms where the dependencies exist I take advantage of them.
> The steps are roughly check the environment, check for pre-requisites, build tools, build dependent libraries, pull source from the repository, build, install, and package.
> The scripts are alpha but the steps I have completed are pretty robust. I am still working on the install and packaging steps, debug builds do not work, and I have not yet worked on windows other than to check the cygwin dependencies although I intend these script to fully support Windows.
> Currently, I can build KiCad on OS X and Linux. I am currently focussed on getting a drag and drop install working on OS X.
> In the tar there is the top-level build script called build.sh. Read this to understand what is going on, and try it out by running it.
> I intend this to work on OS X, Linux (debian and Redhat) and Windows.
> Michael


Why is this now somebody else's copyright?

That was actually my fucking work.

Your license is incompatible with the project.

You only have one chance to make a first impression.

Yours has been made.

Follow ups
