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Re: Incremental build speeds.


On 22.10.2014 15:01, Tim Hutt wrote:

However, if I perform a null-rebuild (i.e. I don't change anything and
just run `make` again), it takes about 70 seconds to run.
Hi Tim,

I found it very annoying while developing the P&S, where I needed to very frequently rebuild and re-link a small part of pcbnew. My solution was to:
- exclude the P&S sources from CMakeLists.txt
- build the P&S using a standard makefile (using same compiler options as CMake)
- link it as a DLL with _pcbnew.kiface

By doing this, I only had to rebuild the P&S DLL (taking few seconds) instead of waiting ~2 minutes for the CMake to solve dependencies and GCC linker to produce new .kiface image.
It's just a dumb and ugly hack, but may help in some cases.


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