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Re: Some schematics library structure ideas


2015-01-15 20:14 GMT+03:00 Andy Peters <devel@xxxxxxxxx>:

> > On Jan 14, 2015, at 7:46 PM, Fat-Zer <fatzer2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   > yep, but for user can be able to easily chose it, kicad library should
> provide them out of the box... And I propouse a way to store them in
> library more straightforward IMO.
> I guess I don't see the point. How many components have different symbols?
> Perhaps passives, where resistors can either be a rectangle or the v^v^v^v
> we all know and love?
Not a lot if we count all the components on the library, but not so few if
we will start count them on fingers: Resistors, Polarised capacitors,
Fuses, Inductors, logical gates, also it would be nice to have some small
warients of some items...

> > yep, but it's a suggestion in case of open hardware environment. It may
> be usefull in case you are reusing somebody's else workarounds. but it's
> not a first goal, just a suggestion for a bit more distant future...
> > By the word, I'm not really experienced in that and may be totally wrong.
> If you are reusing someone else's work, the simplest path is to just use
> whatever symbol that person chose. Why complicate matters, to little, if
> any, benefit?
May be... as I said I'm not very experienced, so may be it's just my mad
fantasy...and it's not a primary goal.

> > Yep... From your words the getting rid of cvpcb sounds great... if you
> can handle such a work (taking in mind that schematic and footprint library
> are nearly two different pices of data for now) I, personally, will
> appreciate it... and I believe it will be appreciated by a lot of other
> members of the community... I won't have enough time and (honestly
> speaking) skills to do that on my own...
> That the symbol libraries and footprint libraries are separate doesn't
> bother me at all. In fact, I think that it makes perfect sense. How many
> parts use an SOIC-8 footprint? A zillion. So why carry the footprint around
> with each of these zillion parts, when each part can just point to a
> library and a footprint?
Off course no... Talking in Chris Giorgi's terminology, but than device and
schematic libraries are two different pieces there is no way to create a
strong connection between them so we don't have any part library now and I
see no way to create it from.
In other words now you can nail a footprint to the schematics but it's hard
to track changes in the schematic/footprints libraries about the link...

> I honestly don't see how setting up library _COMPONENTS_ (defined as a
> marriage between a symbol, a footprint, and something that points to, or
> is, an orderable part number) just once is more difficult that drawing a
> schematic with generic symbols and then using an intermediate tool to marry
> a symbol with a footprint _for each symbol_ and _for each new design_.
> Sure, the _component_ is "represented" by a symbol in the schematic
> library, but in most designs the schematic is the master (the "source
> code," if you will).
> More difficult for whom? For the user the first variant is definitely much
more easy. But for the devs and library team it means to rewrite and
_redesign_ the current library structure from scratch. It's a damn great

>  > Yes, that is... IMO the main audience of the kicad will be hobiest and
> some more experienced people from openhardware world for the nearest
> future. So the idea to support there needs doesn't sounds so crazy, isn't
> it? ))
> I'm not sure the main audience for Kicad is hobbyists. I can't be the only
> "do it for a living" EE who needs a quality EDA package and would like to
> buy Altium but can't afford it and just simply hates EAGLE.
Oh... It seems I've really misestimated the number of such people...
