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Re: file version compatibility (optional tokens in s-expression files)


In response to a message written on 20.01.2015, 18:53, from Tomasz Wlostowski:
Is on a kicad roadmap multi-board projecting ? If no, there's no much
difference where one board settings are stored, regardlessly of how much
work was done…

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by multi-board projects.  Are you talking
about multiple copies of the same board (arrays for panelization) or
different boards from a single schematic?  I'm not sure how the latter
would even work.  Generally speaking there is a one to one correlation
between a schematic and a board.  We sort of support multiple copies of the
same board using the append board feature.  The short answer to your
question is there are no plans for multi-board projects at this time.
I understood it as being able to design multiple PCBs from multiple schematic
files within a single project, i.e. split compiled schematic netlist across
multiple separate boards. Am I correct, LordBlick?
Yes, sure. Often one device account for a few PCB's, so that way can simplify
project organization. Today many users for each PCB has separate prj file while
the program doesn't encourage open multiple files at the same time displaying a
warning "KiCAD is already running".

Best Regards,
