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Re: cvpcb alternative


is remarkably unintuitive; making a footprint is EASY, saving it is
Where is the unintuitive part? Select library, save footprint; end of
the story. Slightly more complex if you use the master board repository
approach (see manual for that).

I'll try to get a video together showing what I mean.
I realize it's a "get used to it" issue, but I'm not sure why *anyone* wants it the way it is.
The "Select" button sends us to the "Library Browser" when assigning a
footprint to a schematic symbol, and that feels like I just travelled
back to the dark ages.
Can't really relate with that since 90% of the times I simply *type* the
footprint name, but maybe that's depend on how you have the library
organized. Agree that having to click thru for selecting a footprint is
not optimal but that's expected to be used for lesser modifications, as
I said before. *Could* get better, I agree on that. Would need
volontaries for that :P

Ok, so at least I'm not crazy.

Nifty trick: pre-set the footprint field in eeschema for the components
you use usually (some companies actually have a list of approved part
numbers, that would be easier...). When 90% of your resistors are in
0603 it pays to have a '0603 format resistor' component in eeschema :D I
actually have a '10µF/50V capacitor in 1210 package' component with
everything already set (as a bonus I don't need to check if the 10µ/50
is 1206 or 1210...).
I may eventually try this approach, but I've already got too many parts, so little time.

Thanks, it's nice to know I'm not way out there.
