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.SWEET file suggestion


As far as I am aware, this (
https://lists.launchpad.net/kicad-developers/msg23302.html) is the latest
proposal for the new symbol format.

Is this the case?

Reading through this I have an idea that I think will be very useful.

Currently each PIN can only have one TYPE (INPUT, OUTPUT, OPEN-COLLECTOR,
etc) which means that for parts with multiple alternate-functions on a pin,
ERC is essentially useless if the pin can be used as an INPUT or an OUTPUT
(or something else).

Further, labelling all the possible alternate functions on a pin means that
either the symbol grows exceedingly wide, or many functions are missed.

I suggest that the pin type should have facility for alternate functions to
be specified which would solve both of these problems. Once a symbol is
placed in the schematic, any multi-function pins are set to "default"
values (e.g. GPIO for a micro) but the other functions can be selected.

See proposed "addition" to format here:



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