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Re: GerbView GAL: Ready for alpha testing; need more sample Gerber files


On 2017-03-11 09:48 PM, Jon Evans wrote:
I want to bump this thread and ask developers who use GerbView a lot to take
a look at my branch again.
Jon, I have not done an extensive testing of the gerbview branch. I have 
only tested it with the gerbers from a current project of mine. The 
following are just some observations from a short time trying it out. Most 
of the points are minor things. It looks good enough for my needs and makes 
me think I don't need to use the external gerber viewer I have previously 
been using.
I like that I can select multiple gerber files to be loaded so I don't have 
to load them one at a time.
In legacy mode I can see through the layers. When I switch to GAL mode I 
can't see through the layers like I can when using GAL mode in pcbnew.
I like it that gerbview can show oval slots. Some other (third party) gerber 
viewers, and the one used by some FAB houses, only show a slot as a round hole.
The rendering of D codes looks better (less confusing) vs. the git master 
version of Kicad.
I notice that the default layer after I load a set of gerber files is the 
next one (ie. an empty layer). If you try select Miscellaneous->Show after 
loading it will tell you it can't show an empty layer. Is this a feature in 
case more gerbers are going to be loaded next? Should it default to pointing 
to the first layer after a load?
The gerbview program defaults to Legacy mode and shows the grid as dots. 
When I switch to GAL it uses lines for the grid. The setting under 
Preferences->Options is set for Lines. Legacy mode isn't using that setting.
When I select dots I do see dots in both legacy and GAL modes.

One minor point is about the Visibles columns on the right. When gerbview first starts the text in the Layer tab shows "Graphic laye". It isn't opened wide enough to see the full text. When I load a set of gerbers the width adjusts to almost show the full text of the filename from which it had read the data. It just truncates the "Bot)" from a layer whose full text is "Interface Board-B.Mask.gbr (Soldermask, Bot)".
The Layer tab shows the full name of the file which contains enough 
information for me to know what part of the board design is being shown so 
it doesn't matter to me if I can't read the part that is appended inside the ().
Selecting a layer then Miscellaneous -> Show Source doesn't appear to do 
anything. When running Kicad from a Linux console it seems to invoke vi. If 
I was running the branch of Kicad from a menu or icon I wouldn't have been 
aware of it doing anything.
I will pass along any additional thoughts if I notice anything else once I 
have more time to experiment with the program and using it to look at the 
gerbers from some of the other PCBs I have made.


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