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Re: [PATCH] better UI experience (properties window)


Hi guys,
OK, fixed all problems ;-)

[image: Inline image 1]

Please note that, as rightly suggested, the vertical position section has
been swapped and that might require a small code modification, not
completely sure about it.

In my opinion, I think "(degrees)" should not be plural and should not
between brackets but if you like it this way so be it.

New patch in attachment


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 12:41 AM, Aaron Pelly <apelly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Vertical position could probably do with swapping the align bottom and
> align top radio buttons too; seems more logical.
> (This time to the list. Sorry Wayne.)
> On 28/03/17 06:12, Wayne Stambaugh wrote:
> > Please change "Orientation, degree" to "Orientation (degrees)"
> >
> > The spacing still isn't correct between the "Font Size", "X Position",
> > and "Y Position" controls.  There is more space between the "Font Size"
> > and "X Position controls than there is between the "X Position" and "Y
> > Position" controls.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Wayne
> >
> > On 3/27/2017 12:20 PM, Fabrizio Tappero wrote:
> >> here the current look
> >>
> >> Inline image 1
> >>
> >> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Fabrizio Tappero
> >> <fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:fabrizio.tappero@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> >>
> >>     Hi Wayne,
> >>     sure no problem. Here you go.
> >>
> >>     Let me know if you want something else to be changed.
> >>
> >>     cheers
> >>     Fabrizio
> >>     PS I do not seem to understand how to change the spacing of the font
> >>     size and X pos elements...
> >>
> >>     On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Wayne Stambaugh
> >>     <stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:stambaughw@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> >>
> >>         Hey Fabrizio,
> >>
> >>         Sorry I didn't comment on this sooner but I've been busy.  I
> >>         have a few
> >>         comments:
> >>
> >>         "Custom Fields" should just read "Fields".  The first four
> >>         fields are
> >>         mandatory so the word custom is misleading.
> >>
> >>         The "Assert" button is confusing.  This button tests the
> >>         component name
> >>         but does not updated the component.  "Verify", "Validate", or
> "Test"
> >>         would be more descriptive.
> >>
> >>         Please change "deg" to "degrees" in the orientation control.
> >>         I'm not
> >>         sure "deg" is a standard abbreviation for degrees in the same
> >>         way the
> >>         "mm" is the standard abbreviation for millimeters.
> >>
> >>         I know this isn't specific to your changes but I would
> >>         appreciate if you
> >>         would fix the spacing between the "Font Size", "X Position",
> and "Y
> >>         Position" controls.  It's been on my todo list for a long time
> so it
> >>         would be helpful if you could fix this.
> >>
> >>         Thanks,
> >>
> >>         Wayne
> >>
> >>         On 3/27/2017 9:48 AM, Fabrizio Tappero wrote:
> >>         > ​Hello,
> >>         > This patch fixes several labeling errors with the "edit
> properties" window.
> >>         > Preview of the windows that you get after the patch is this:
> >>         >
> >>         > ​Inline image 1​
> >>         >
> >>         > ​Cheers
> >>         > Fabrizio

PNG image

commit 7c6947bee26091ace5ba8998d51f3f04a671713d
Author: Fabrizio Tappero 
Date:   Tue Mar 28 10:03:52 2017 +0200

 diff --git a/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.cpp b/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.cpp
-index 472896b..f9253c6 100644
+index f9253c6..ecac621 100644
 --- a/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.cpp
 +++ b/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.cpp
  	wxString orientationRadioBoxChoices[] = { _("0"), _("+90"), _("180"), _("-90") };
  	int orientationRadioBoxNChoices = sizeof( orientationRadioBoxChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
--	orientationRadioBox = new wxRadioBox( optionsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Orientation, deg:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, orientationRadioBoxNChoices, orientationRadioBoxChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
-+	orientationRadioBox = new wxRadioBox( optionsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Orientation, degree:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, orientationRadioBoxNChoices, orientationRadioBoxChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
+-	orientationRadioBox = new wxRadioBox( optionsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Orientation, degree:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, orientationRadioBoxNChoices, orientationRadioBoxChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
++	orientationRadioBox = new wxRadioBox( optionsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Orientation (degrees):"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, orientationRadioBoxNChoices, orientationRadioBoxChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
  	orientationRadioBox->SetSelection( 0 );
  	orientationRadioBox->SetToolTip( _("Select if the component is to be rotated when drawn") );
- 	chipnameTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( sbSizerChipName->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	chipnameTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	chipnameTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The name of the symbol in the library from which this component came") );
-+	chipnameTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("Name of the symbol in the library from which this component come from") );
- 	sbSizerChipName->Add( chipnameTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
- 	wxBoxSizer* bSizerChpinameButt;
- 	bSizerChpinameButt = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
--	m_buttonTestChipName = new wxButton( sbSizerChipName->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Assert"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-+	m_buttonTestChipName = new wxButton( sbSizerChipName->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Validate"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	bSizerChpinameButt->Add( m_buttonTestChipName, 0, wxTOP|wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT, 5 );
- 	m_buttonSelectChipName = new wxButton( sbSizerChipName->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Change"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	m_textCtrlTimeStamp = new wxTextCtrl( optionsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_READONLY );
- 	m_textCtrlTimeStamp->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	m_textCtrlTimeStamp->SetToolTip( _("An unique ID (a time stamp) to identify the component.\nThis is an alternate identifier to the reference.") );
-+	m_textCtrlTimeStamp->SetToolTip( _("Unique ID that identifies the component") );
- 	optionsSizer->Add( m_textCtrlTimeStamp, 0, wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT|wxEXPAND, 5 );
- 	upperSizer->Add( optionsSizer, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5 );
- 	wxStaticBoxSizer* fieldsSizer;
--	fieldsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("  Custom Fields") ), wxHORIZONTAL );
-+	fieldsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("  Fields") ), wxHORIZONTAL );
- 	wxStaticBoxSizer* gridStaticBoxSizer;
- 	gridStaticBoxSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString ), wxVERTICAL );
- 	gridStaticBoxSizer->Add( fieldListCtrl, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 8 );
- 	addFieldButton = new wxButton( gridStaticBoxSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("New Field"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
--	addFieldButton->SetToolTip( _("Add a new custom field") );
-+	addFieldButton->SetToolTip( _("Create new custom field") );
- 	gridStaticBoxSizer->Add( addFieldButton, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
- 	deleteFieldButton = new wxButton( gridStaticBoxSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Delete Field"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
--	deleteFieldButton->SetToolTip( _("Delete one of the optional fields") );
-+	deleteFieldButton->SetToolTip( _("Delete optional field") );
- 	gridStaticBoxSizer->Add( deleteFieldButton, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
- 	moveUpButton = new wxButton( gridStaticBoxSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Move Up"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
--	moveUpButton->SetToolTip( _("Move the selected optional fields up one position") );
-+	moveUpButton->SetToolTip( _("Move the selected optional field up one position") );
- 	gridStaticBoxSizer->Add( moveUpButton, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
- 	visibilitySizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Visibility:") ), wxVERTICAL );
- 	showCheckBox = new wxCheckBox( visibilitySizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Show"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
--	showCheckBox->SetToolTip( _("Check if you want this field visible") );
-+	showCheckBox->SetToolTip( _("Make selected field visible") );
- 	visibilitySizer->Add( showCheckBox, 0, wxALL, 5 );
- 	rotateCheckBox = new wxCheckBox( visibilitySizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Rotate"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
--	rotateCheckBox->SetToolTip( _("Check if you want this field's text rotated 90 degrees") );
-+	rotateCheckBox->SetToolTip( _("Rotated 90 degrees the selected field") );
- 	visibilitySizer->Add( rotateCheckBox, 0, wxALL, 5 );
- 	wxString m_StyleRadioBoxChoices[] = { _("Normal"), _("Italic"), _("Bold"), _("Bold Italic") };
- 	int m_StyleRadioBoxNChoices = sizeof( m_StyleRadioBoxChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
- 	m_StyleRadioBox = new wxRadioBox( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Font Style:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_StyleRadioBoxNChoices, m_StyleRadioBoxChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
--	m_StyleRadioBox->SetSelection( 3 );
--	m_StyleRadioBox->SetToolTip( _("The style of the currently selected field's text in the schematic") );
-+	m_StyleRadioBox->SetSelection( 0 );
- 	bSizerStyle->Add( m_StyleRadioBox, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5 );
- 	fieldNameTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	fieldNameTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	fieldNameTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The name of the currently selected field\nSome fixed fields names are not editable") );
-+	fieldNameTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("Name of the selected field. Fixed field names are not editable") );
+ 	m_FieldHJustifyCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );
+ 	bSizerJustification->Add( m_FieldHJustifyCtrl, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT|wxEXPAND, 5 );
- 	fieldNameBoxSizer->Add( fieldNameTextCtrl, 0, wxBOTTOM|wxEXPAND, 5 );
+-	wxString m_FieldVJustifyCtrlChoices[] = { _("Align Bottom"), _("Center"), _("Align Top") };
++	wxString m_FieldVJustifyCtrlChoices[] = { _("Align Top"), _("Center"), _("Align Bottom") };
+ 	int m_FieldVJustifyCtrlNChoices = sizeof( m_FieldVJustifyCtrlChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
+ 	m_FieldVJustifyCtrl = new wxRadioBox( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("Vertical Position:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_FieldVJustifyCtrlNChoices, m_FieldVJustifyCtrlChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
+-	m_FieldVJustifyCtrl->SetSelection( 2 );
++	m_FieldVJustifyCtrl->SetSelection( 0 );
+ 	bSizerJustification->Add( m_FieldVJustifyCtrl, 1, wxBOTTOM|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT|wxEXPAND, 5 );
- 	fieldValueTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	fieldValueTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	fieldValueTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The name of the currently selected field\nSome fixed fields names are not editable") );
-+	fieldValueTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("Name of the selected field. Fixed field names are not editable") );
- 	fieldNameBoxSizer->Add( fieldValueTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
- 	fieldEditBoxSizer->Add( fieldNameBoxSizer, 0, wxBOTTOM|wxEXPAND, 5 );
- 	wxFlexGridSizer* fgSizerPosSize;
--	fgSizerPosSize = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 3, 0, 0 );
-+	fgSizerPosSize = new wxFlexGridSizer( 3, 3, 6, 0 );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->AddGrowableCol( 1 );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->SetFlexibleDirection( wxBOTH );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->SetNonFlexibleGrowMode( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED );
- 	textSizeLabel->Wrap( -1 );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( textSizeLabel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
--	textSizeTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-+	textSizeTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxPoint( -1,-1 ), wxDefaultSize, 0 );
  	textSizeTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	textSizeTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The size of the currently selected field's text in the schematic") );
-+	textSizeTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("Font Size of the selected field") );
+ 	textSizeTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("Font Size of the selected field") );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( textSizeTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
+-	fgSizerPosSize->Add( textSizeTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM, 5 );
++	fgSizerPosSize->Add( textSizeTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM, 0 );
- 	posXLabel->Wrap( -1 );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posXLabel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
--	posXTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-+	posXTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxPoint( -1,-1 ), wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ 	m_staticTextUnitSize = new wxStaticText( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("unit"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ 	m_staticTextUnitSize->Wrap( -1 );
  	posXTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	posXTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The X coordinate of the text relative to the component") );
-+	posXTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("X coordinate of the selected field") );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posXTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP, 5 );
- 	posYLabel->Wrap( -1 );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posYLabel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 );
+ 	posXTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("X coordinate of the selected field") );
--	posYTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-+	posYTextCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxPoint( -1,-1 ), wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- 	posYTextCtrl->SetMaxLength( 0 ); 
--	posYTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("The Y coordinate of the text relative to the component") );
-+	posYTextCtrl->SetToolTip( _("X coordinate of the selected field") );
- 	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posYTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND, 5 );
+-	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posXTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP, 5 );
++	fgSizerPosSize->Add( posXTextCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP, 0 );
+ 	m_staticTextUnitPosX = new wxStaticText( fieldsSizer->GetStaticBox(), wxID_ANY, _("unit"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+ 	m_staticTextUnitPosX->Wrap( -1 );
 diff --git a/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.fbp b/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.fbp
-index d491c42..4367896 100644
+index 4367896..4211e0f 100644
 --- a/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.fbp
 +++ b/eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic_fbp.fbp
-@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
-                             <property name="border">5</property>
-                             <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxALL</property>
-                             <property name="proportion">0</property>
--                            <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-+                            <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-                                 <property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
-                                 <property name="label"></property>
-                                 <property name="minimum_size"></property>
-@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
-                                         <event name="OnUpdateUI"></event>
-                                     </object>
-                                 </object>
--                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-+                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
-                                     <property name="border">5</property>
-                                     <property name="flag">wxEXPAND</property>
-                                     <property name="proportion">0</property>
 @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
                                          <property name="gripper">0</property>
                                          <property name="hidden">0</property>
                                          <property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
--                                        <property name="label">Orientation, deg:</property>
-+                                        <property name="label">Orientation, degree:</property>
+-                                        <property name="label">Orientation, degree:</property>
++                                        <property name="label">Orientation (degrees):</property>
                                          <property name="majorDimension">1</property>
                                          <property name="max_size"></property>
                                          <property name="maximize_button">0</property>
-@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@
-                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                <property name="tooltip">The name of the symbol in the library from which this component came</property>
-+                                                <property name="tooltip">Name of the symbol in the library from which this component come from</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@
-                                                         <property name="gripper">0</property>
-                                                         <property name="hidden">0</property>
-                                                         <property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
--                                                        <property name="label">Assert</property>
-+                                                        <property name="label">Validate</property>
-                                                         <property name="max_size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="maximize_button">0</property>
-                                                         <property name="maximum_size"></property>
-@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@
-                                         <property name="style">wxTE_READONLY</property>
-                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                        <property name="tooltip">An unique ID (a time stamp) to identify the component.&#x0A;This is an alternate identifier to the reference.</property>
-+                                        <property name="tooltip">Unique ID that identifies the component</property>
-                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -1459,19 +1459,19 @@
-                             <property name="border">5</property>
-                             <property name="flag">wxALL|wxEXPAND</property>
-                             <property name="proportion">1</property>
--                            <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-+                            <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-                                 <property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
--                                <property name="label">  Custom Fields</property>
-+                                <property name="label">  Fields</property>
-                                 <property name="minimum_size"></property>
-                                 <property name="name">fieldsSizer</property>
-                                 <property name="orient">wxHORIZONTAL</property>
-                                 <property name="permission">none</property>
-                                 <event name="OnUpdateUI"></event>
--                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
-+                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-                                     <property name="border">0</property>
-                                     <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT</property>
-                                     <property name="proportion">3</property>
--                                    <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-+                                    <object class="wxStaticBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-                                         <property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
-                                         <property name="label"></property>
-                                         <property name="minimum_size">-1,-1</property>
-@@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@
-                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                <property name="tooltip">Add a new custom field</property>
-+                                                <property name="tooltip">Create new custom field</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@
-                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                <property name="tooltip">Delete one of the optional fields</property>
-+                                                <property name="tooltip">Delete optional field</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@
-                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                <property name="tooltip">Move the selected optional fields up one position</property>
-+                                                <property name="tooltip">Move the selected optional field up one position</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -1850,20 +1850,20 @@
-                                         </object>
-                                     </object>
-                                 </object>
--                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
-+                                <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-                                     <property name="border">5</property>
-                                     <property name="flag">wxEXPAND</property>
-                                     <property name="proportion">2</property>
--                                    <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-+                                    <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-                                         <property name="minimum_size"></property>
-                                         <property name="name">fieldEditBoxSizer</property>
-                                         <property name="orient">wxVERTICAL</property>
-                                         <property name="permission">none</property>
--                                        <object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
-+                                        <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-                                             <property name="border">5</property>
-                                             <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM</property>
-                                             <property name="proportion">1</property>
--                                            <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-+                                            <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-                                                 <property name="minimum_size"></property>
-                                                 <property name="name">bSizerJustification</property>
-                                                 <property name="orient">wxHORIZONTAL</property>
-@@ -2050,11 +2050,11 @@
-                                                 </object>
-                                             </object>
-                                         </object>
--                                        <object class="sizeritem" expanded="1">
-+                                        <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-                                             <property name="border">5</property>
-                                             <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM</property>
-                                             <property name="proportion">1</property>
--                                            <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="1">
-+                                            <object class="wxBoxSizer" expanded="0">
-                                                 <property name="minimum_size"></property>
-                                                 <property name="name">bSizerStyle</property>
-                                                 <property name="orient">wxHORIZONTAL</property>
-@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@
-                                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                                <property name="tooltip">Check if you want this field visible</property>
-+                                                                <property name="tooltip">Make selected field visible</property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@
-                                                                 <property name="style"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                                <property name="tooltip">Check if you want this field&apos;s text rotated 90 degrees</property>
-+                                                                <property name="tooltip">Rotated 90 degrees the selected field</property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                                 <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -2299,13 +2299,13 @@
+@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@
+                                                         <property name="caption"></property>
+                                                         <property name="caption_visible">1</property>
+                                                         <property name="center_pane">0</property>
+-                                                        <property name="choices">&quot;Align Bottom&quot; &quot;Center&quot; &quot;Align Top&quot;</property>
++                                                        <property name="choices">&quot;Align Top&quot; &quot;Center&quot; &quot;Align Bottom&quot;</property>
+                                                         <property name="close_button">1</property>
+                                                         <property name="context_help"></property>
+                                                         <property name="context_menu">1</property>
+@@ -2008,7 +2008,7 @@
                                                          <property name="pin_button">1</property>
                                                          <property name="pos"></property>
                                                          <property name="resize">Resizable</property>
--                                                        <property name="selection">3</property>
+-                                                        <property name="selection">2</property>
 +                                                        <property name="selection">0</property>
                                                          <property name="show">1</property>
                                                          <property name="size"></property>
                                                          <property name="style">wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS</property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The style of the currently selected field&apos;s text in the schematic</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -2486,7 +2486,7 @@
-                                                         <property name="style"></property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The name of the currently selected field&#x0A;Some fixed fields names are not editable</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip">Name of the selected field. Fixed field names are not editable</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -2660,7 +2660,7 @@
-                                                         <property name="style"></property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The name of the currently selected field&#x0A;Some fixed fields names are not editable</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip">Name of the selected field. Fixed field names are not editable</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -2803,7 +2803,7 @@
-                                                 <property name="non_flexible_grow_mode">wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED</property>
-                                                 <property name="permission">none</property>
-                                                 <property name="rows">3</property>
--                                                <property name="vgap">0</property>
-+                                                <property name="vgap">6</property>
+@@ -2888,7 +2888,7 @@
+                                                     </object>
+                                                 </object>
                                                  <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
-                                                     <property name="border">5</property>
-                                                     <property name="flag">wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL</property>
-@@ -2933,14 +2933,14 @@
-                                                         <property name="pane_size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="permission">protected</property>
-                                                         <property name="pin_button">1</property>
--                                                        <property name="pos"></property>
-+                                                        <property name="pos">-1,-1</property>
-                                                         <property name="resize">Resizable</property>
-                                                         <property name="show">1</property>
-                                                         <property name="size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="style"></property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The size of the currently selected field&apos;s text in the schematic</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip">Font Size of the selected field</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -3190,14 +3190,14 @@
-                                                         <property name="pane_size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="permission">protected</property>
-                                                         <property name="pin_button">1</property>
--                                                        <property name="pos"></property>
-+                                                        <property name="pos">-1,-1</property>
-                                                         <property name="resize">Resizable</property>
-                                                         <property name="show">1</property>
-                                                         <property name="size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="style"></property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The X coordinate of the text relative to the component</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip">X coordinate of the selected field</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
-@@ -3447,14 +3447,14 @@
-                                                         <property name="pane_size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="permission">protected</property>
-                                                         <property name="pin_button">1</property>
--                                                        <property name="pos"></property>
-+                                                        <property name="pos">-1,-1</property>
-                                                         <property name="resize">Resizable</property>
-                                                         <property name="show">1</property>
-                                                         <property name="size"></property>
-                                                         <property name="style"></property>
-                                                         <property name="subclass"></property>
-                                                         <property name="toolbar_pane">0</property>
--                                                        <property name="tooltip">The Y coordinate of the text relative to the component</property>
-+                                                        <property name="tooltip">X coordinate of the selected field</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_data_type"></property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_style">wxFILTER_NONE</property>
-                                                         <property name="validator_type">wxDefaultValidator</property>
+-                                                    <property name="border">5</property>
++                                                    <property name="border">0</property>
+                                                     <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxBOTTOM</property>
+                                                     <property name="proportion">0</property>
+                                                     <object class="wxTextCtrl" expanded="0">
+@@ -3145,7 +3145,7 @@
+                                                     </object>
+                                                 </object>
+                                                 <object class="sizeritem" expanded="0">
+-                                                    <property name="border">5</property>
++                                                    <property name="border">0</property>
+                                                     <property name="flag">wxEXPAND|wxTOP</property>
+                                                     <property name="proportion">0</property>
+                                                     <object class="wxTextCtrl" expanded="0">

Follow ups
