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PATCH pcbnew half-rotate actions and shortcuts


Hi all,

I frequently find that I need to rotate a footprint or a few by 45 degrees.
To do that I either have to edit it's properties (works if it's just one
but slow) or change pcbnew preferences (very slow).
I thought I'd add a quick shortcut to rotate selected items by half of the
configured rotation angle and learn a bit of tool related code in the
process. Please see attached patch for that.

I suspect the way I handled passing double parameter to the action is not
ideal but it's impossible to have a pointer to constant literal without
storing it in a variable (to my knowledge). I'm open to suggestions on how
to clean up that part, maybe move the constants somewhere?


Attachment: 0001-Pcbnew-add-half-rotate-actions-and-shortcuts.patch
Description: Binary data

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