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Message #44757
Re: MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
<mailto:mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> @Mark Roszko: works now, thanks for your support!
Von: Kicad-developers <> Im Auftrag von Mark Roszko
Gesendet: 05 December 2020 20:29
An: Roberto Fernández Bautista <roberto.fer.bau@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
The latest vcpkg master should have opencascade's linkage to debug freetype libraries fixed now.
You will have to git pull --rebase your vcpkg folder. Run .\vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run and then once rebuilt, copy the DLLs all over again to the kicad install bin
On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 9:58 AM Roberto Fernández Bautista <roberto.fer.bau@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:roberto.fer.bau@xxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
Just one thing to check: Are you running the "install" target through visual studio? Note that for each executable you can either install it and debug or debug standalone
I've fallen under the mistake before of debugging without installing and then wondering why I am getting error messages of dlls missing.
On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 at 08:11, <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
I copied over ALL of the dlls, just in case, and it did not help. If it is about dependencies, maybe I missed to install something in vcpkg. I installed the recommended libraries as per the web documentation:
boost cairo curl glew gettext glm icu ngspice opencascade opengl openssl python3 wxwidgets zlib.
Anything missing?
Von: Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> >
Gesendet: 21 November 2020 14:01
An: develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >
Betreff: Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
If the kiface file exists in that path, the failure to load is because you are missing more dependencies in the install\bin folder that need to be copied from vcpkg debug\bin or bin.
On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 3:00 AM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
I got it sorted out, partially. After copying the right jpeg62.dll and lzmad.dll to the install directory for debug, KiCad started all right.
When starting eeschema or pcbnew or anything loaded by kiway.cpp, I get an error about failing *.kiface to load.
Debugging showed that in wxDynamicLibrary::Load, RawLoad is called with the correct path (in my case <L"E:\\Github_Repositories\\kicad\\build\\install\\x64-Debug\\bin\\_eeschema.kiface">
but that returns NULL, as it fails to load the library. Unfortunately, RawLoad does not provide any error codes.
Is this the bug you mentioned? But then, the path passed to RawLoad is correct, so I do not see what can be wrong here. Other modules like ntdll, comctrl32 e.a. are loaded ok.
Only thing I can image is that – out of the blue - there’s a problem with the path string. Is it a MSVC specific thing (the nightlies obviously are built all right)? Ok, the nightlies are built with wxwidgets 3.0.5
and I'm on wxwidgets 3.1.4. But one week or so ago, everything was ok. Trouble started after upgrading vcpkg.
Von: Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> >
Gesendet: 16 November 2020 20:56
An: develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
Probably a few weeks wait....I have it on my queue to revisit vcpkg at some point and upstream also takes time to merge fixes.
It's just easier to copy the DLLs like I noted.
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 2:45 PM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
Ok. Can you notify me when it’s fixed? Thanks a lot!
Von: Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> >
Gesendet: Montag, 16. November 2020 20:14
An: develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: KiCad Developers <kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kicad-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >
Betreff: Re: [Kicad-developers] MSVC compile: missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll
Ah it's a bug in vcpkg I need to fix upstream.
For now you'll need to include in your kicad install folder for debug, the non-debug versions of freetype, zlib, bz2 and libpng
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 1:44 PM Mark Roszko <mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:mark.roszko@xxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
Ah I've been meaning to fix that. There's something wrong with the compilation settings and/or wxdynamiclibrary loader that's causing it not to load DLLs from the application's executable directory, very specifically for the OCE plugin.
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 6:22 AM <develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:develop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:
Compiling the current source (7043) with MSVC and the proposed CMakeSettings.json I get a missing s3d_plugin_oce.dll error when starting the 3D viewer.
What is wrong here?
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