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Re: Problem building Japanese version of pcbnew.pdf


Am 06.08.18 um 06:18 schrieb Marco Ciampa:
> I do not know if Perl would be a better choice but certainly Ruby (as a
> more modern language than Perl) probably is. Another reason to migrate to
> asciidoctor ...

Yes, in such corner cases you can get trouble which is difficult to
solve, because it's really time consuming then.
Perl is one of the strictest scripting languages I know that could be
the right job here too. OTOH ruby is becoming more and more a de facto
standard for web programming and has a lot of thing directly included
like type safeness and so on.

>> At least something that is doing the right thing with UTF8 characters ...
> Asciidoctor (Ruby) probably...

Of course. :)
So time will tell.

Carsten Schoenert
