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Message #00009
Re: Library style and organization work RFC
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Vesa Solonen <vesa.solonen@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nice to see that some spark is still glowing. Let me get some tinder...
> Tony, your input for the dicussion is again very well thought and full of
> insight, not to mention the habit of professionally documenting it all.
> Felix, welcome on board and I agree 100%. Bernd, thanks for your library
> work and enthusiasm to make it even better. 73 de oh2jcp ;)
> To me the main annoyance was drawing style inconsistencies in the symbols,
> but the following includes some other points that need fixing for the
> future.
25.09.2012 19:34, Phinitnan Chanasabaeng kirjoitti:
> Hello,
>> In my opinion, we should discuss and agree on a set of rule and style
>> before start working. It should be well documented with clear version
>> number just like in .lib and .mod specification. This will help users
>> whether they should upgrade their library or not in case of major changes
>> in the specification. I would like to propose my idea how the new library
>> would be restructured and recreated here and will summarize it in detail
>> as
>> a blueprint (and a odt document) after the discussion.
>> 0. Definitions
>> 0.1 Directory structure - the directory consists of symbol,
>> footprint,
>> model, document and probably readme, changelog, etc files.
>> library ------
>> |---- symbol ---> symbol libraries
>> |---- footprint ---> footprint libraries
>> |---- model ---> 3d models
>> |----source
>> |---- document ---> datasheet, application note,
>> pictures, etc.
> I think we would need a fifth definition for a component/part.
> Symbol => Schematic representation. This is the logic for the net list and
> an abstract interface for a human.
> Footprint => 2D PCB object with a bounding box, outline, solder and
> mechanical board level details.
> Model => 3D representation of a real physical object.
> Documentation => datasheet, SPICE model, version, production status, etc.
> Component/Part => The rule how Symbol-Footprint-Model-**Documentation are
> related. A representation of a real component/part, like 2N222 or 2N3055.
> Gate swap and pin swap model contained here.
> Why so complex? To get flexibility and to get around copying. Also this is
> the only way to get the whole verified for correctness. It needs more
> effort in the design phase, but less effort in the maintenance and use
> phase. (Some larger software projects might be good examples) Current data
> structures in KiCad don't allow this, but we should start building the data
> for the future and then "downsample" for the current use. Say collecting
> the data in odf spreadsheet and scripting it into the current library
> format for release. Any python gurus? A spreadsheet interface could also
> mobilise some less technically inclined for the cause. We just would have
> to make a fill up form for it. Or maybe a dynamic web form at
> Let me give a few examples:
> NPN bipolar transistor.
> Symbol: Looks like a NPN BJT. Contains pin functions E, B, C. Special
> versions for the ones with housing connected to E, B, C or special
> terminal. Their use is optional. That would mean five symbols for all NPN
> BJTs. Pin numbers are _not_in_ the symbol, they are rendered when a
> component/part is defined and the pin functionality-number mapping gets
> known.
> Footprint: Any of the available with enough pads.
> Model: May be tied to the footprint, but one footprint may have more than
> one model as the height is not in the footprint. Models with vertical
> heatsink as an example.
> 1)
> Component/part: PN2222 tells that pin E=1, B=2, C=3, footprint and model
> are TO-92 and links to the documentation. No gate or pin swap available.
> 2)
> Component/part: Change PN2222 to 2SC945. No need to change the symbol,
> just update the BOM and the net list automatically changes to E=1, B=3,
> C=2. Autorouter does the pin swap between pins 2 and 3.
> 3)
> For some odd reason one wants to use a plugin NPN-BJT in a DIP-8
> IC-socket... the collector and emitter currents are so high that one has to
> use at least 2 pins for them, but for mechanical reasons pins 1-4 are
> connected to emitter and 5-7 to collector with 8 to the base. Routing DRC
> is happy as long as two of the pins of each bank are routed and autorouter
> is free to pick any of the available for a best fit. Pin swap is available.
> 4)
> Nice three winding coupled inductor for your latest PFC converter.
> Calculations and point to point test setup measurements tell that ETD49 is
> good enough for 2kW. Slap a standard 20 pin ETD49 bobbin on the PCB and
> your three winding transformer symbol piled up from inductors in the
> schematic is just fine. Pin mapping is just the one liner in your
> component/part definition file with the documentation showing the winding
> details.
Totally agreed. My proposed spec is based on current functionality of
kicad. If the new lib is separately designed from kicad, it would have its
own direction and is not limited by kicad development. But I think we
should use a real database engine like SQLite for this. Because it's easier
in the programming interface. You can also edit a file by any supported
software just like editing a spreadsheet.
> 0.2 Grid unit (GU) - 25 mil
>> 1. Symbol library and symbol naming scheme
>> 1.1 Library naming - as the symbols are put in library files, this is
>> the way symbols are categorized.Therefore, I think, the way libraries are
>> named should reflect its category as much as possible. Here is the scheme
>> I
>> proposed:
>> {main-category}-{manufacturer, standard}-{other fields separated by
>> "-"}.lib
>> the main category and manufacturer fields are required. The other
>> fields can be added to describe the lib. For example,
>> "device-en60617.lib",
>> "connector-molex.lib", "microcontroller-microchip.**lib", etc. "generic"
>> should be used in {manufacturer} field for any standard components. The
>> file name should be in lower case.
>> 1.2 For symbol naming, I proposed:
>> {name}-{other fields separated by "-"}-{footprint}-{pin quantity}
>> Only {name} is required here. For examples, "MCP73832-SOT-5,
>> 2N2222-A-TO92", etc. For fundamental devices, there should be a set of
>> name
>> to be derived from such as "RESISTOR, CAPACITOR", etc. All other libraries
>> of fundamental devices should use this name set. I'm not sure whether
>> lower
>> or upper case is suitable.
> Agreed, but do we need that much data in the name? Eagle style "heavy
> symbol" system is quite ugly when it grows a to a bit more than two
> capacitor manufacturers. Even capacitor cases are standardised. For
> microcontrollers and special function stuff with only one source it makes
> sense and is the only way.
As noted, only name is required. ;D
> 2. Line style - the style proposed by Vesa can be used. But the DU unit
>> and
>> other line weight should be specified. This line style will be used in
>> both
>> symbol and footprint drawing. The line weight should be chosen based on
>> physical print quality (especially, on PCB silkscreen layer).
> I'd say footprint side is a lot less critical than schematics as there is
> not much data on the same layer. That makes separating objects by line
> widths unneeded. Just rendering time option depending on the process.
The constrain is now changed :D. This definition is almost unnecessary.
> 3. Symbol drawing style
>> 3.1 Block model - all symbols will be drawn as blocks
>> 3.1.1 Fundamental symbols - devices such as resistor, capacitor,
>> logic, etc, will be separated into 2 types
>> Symbol - this block is 16x16GU. It is used in
>> schematic
>> as a normal symbol. Drawing and all interface pins should fit inside this
>> block.
>> Building block - this block is 8x8GU. There is no
>> assigned pin as it is used to build the other block symbols.
>> 3.1.2 Block Symbol is a blank block or block built from building
>> block with assigned pins. A specific width and height ratio should be used
>> (except the square block). I propose the golden ratio (1.618). The closest
>> even number from multiplication/division of width/height will be used.
>> 3.1.3 Orientation - For fundamental symbols, should they be
>> placed
>> horizontally? For block symbol, see pin position and orientation.
> Agreed. Some very interesting ideas, like the golden ratio. Are you going
> to make some example drawings? Eventually the drawing style will end up
> being somewhat after the standard and the rest by the test and vote. I
> haven't seen good looking schematics from any CAD that would have conformed
> strictly to the standard. Strictly standard compliance library would almost
> have to be a separate one to be pleasant :D
I'm currently reorganized my library to meet the spec and I'll show the
example in a couple days. I agreed that we wouldn't get a good looking
symbol by strictly to the standard (my lib is a little bit modified from
60617 standard). But the standard will still be used as reference. ;)
> 3.2 Name and designator
>> 3.2.1 Designator - what standard should be used? or should it be
>> redefined (based on available standards) especially for kicad?
>> 3.2.2 Position - Designator will be placed at the middle-top and
>> name at the middle-bottom of the symbol. At least 1GU space to any nearby
>> line or pin should be added.
> I've been using top-right for the designator and left-bottom for the name.
> Those are usually the empty areas and are easy to find by the glance as one
> finds them by following either vertical or horizontal line. Corner is like
> an arrowhead that catches ones attention and there it is, the needed data.
>> 3.3 Pin
>> 3.3.1 length for block symbols - 12GU (300 mil, current pin
>> length
>> used by kicad)
>> 3.3.2 Pin to pin space - 4GU (100 mil)
>> 3.3.3 Pin to corner space - 4GU (100 mil)
>> 3.3.4 Position and orientation
>> Positioned by its function - group the same function
>> together
>> Input pin - start from top-left of the block,
>> counter-clockwise
>> Output and Bidirectional pin - start with
>> output
>> pin from top-right, clockwise
>> Power input - Distributed at the center of top
>> Power output - Distributed at the center of
>> bottom
>> Positioned by its footprint - the 1st pin is placed
>> at
>> top-left of the block
>> 3.3.5 Pin naming and numbering
>> Left,top = 1, right,bottom = 2
>> Anode = 1, Cathode = 2
>> Control = 1, input = 2, output = 3
>> GND = 1, input = 2, output = 3
>> BCE = 123
>> GDS = 123
>> Pin name should be exactly the same as noted in the
>> datasheet
> For pin legths we need to take tha total count of numbers in account.
> Otherwise four number pins will overflow and the one number ones would look
> empty. For some special purpose IC's the in-out-power pin directions would
> have to be relaxed. The purpose of the schematic is to be clear and
> readable and in the special purpose IC's the surroundings are so tightly
> defined that pin locations have to be picked according to the surroundings.
> PFC IC's are a good example. For logic the opposite is true and that's what
> you wrote.
> The numbering is something we can't always pick as it depends on the
> physical world. Schematic doesn't care about it anyway. Schematic is just
> for the human. What ends up in to the netlist is something I don't care as
> long as the machine reads it ;)
> 3.4 Symbol property
>> 3.4.1 For symbol with multiple units, the power unit should be
>> created explicitly.
>> 3.4.2 Symbol description - The value should be put in all fields,
>> especially keyword. See below
>> Keyword - this field should be changed to "Tag" and
>> will be used for the search tool. It is probably used for footprint
>> lookup.
>> DocFileName - should refer to a file in the document
>> directory or a download link
>> 3.4.3 Alias is obsolete, do not use it.
>> 3.4.4 Footprint filter - I'm sure how this works but if possible
>> the words put here will be used to search in the module keyword.
>> 3.5 Symbol field property
>> 3.5.1 Symbol with {footprint} in its name should be mapped to the
>> exact footprint in the footprint library.
>> 3.5.2 Datasheet should referred to a file in the document
>> directory
>> or a link to download website. (DocFileName
> I'd say no to copying of any data. If the value is in the value field,
> that's it. It's the UI's job to present the data as conveniently as
> possible.
> 4. Footprint creation
>> 4.1 Naming scheme
>> 4.1.1 Consider the IPC7351B, I once implemented it in my local
>> library. It was good for machine, but not for human, It was very difficult
>> to understand. I had to look through the footprint list to find the one I
>> wanted. However, it is still possible to implement using footprint filter
>> and/or keywords. To be discussed.
>> 4.1.2 For file naming scheme, see the symbol scheme above. JEDEC
>> name can be use as the {main-category}.
> Øyvind Aabling did quite a good job here. His system is very human
> readable and I'd like to follow that. IPC7351B is a "design by committee"
> so it must be equally annoying to everybody that nobody can be jealous of
> somebody's enjoyment. It can be included as a tag to become an option.
> 4.2 Pin number identification - for a footprint without pin number,
>> put
>> the component faced-up on the floor, the most pin count side on the left.
>> The top-left is the 1st pin and count around the component
>> counter-clockwise.
> Exactly.
> 4.3 Footprint orientation depends on the first pin of the footprint.
>> The first pin should be at top-left position. The footprint should be
>> aligned horizontally first. If the 1st pin is not at top-left, align it
>> vertically.
>> 4.4 Silkscreen drawing - to be discussed
>> 5. Model
>> 5.1 Model name should be the same as footprint name.
>> 5.2 Each available footprint should have a model assigned to it.
> Agreed. Documentation part should include draft-checked-production status
> and the same for 3D model.
> 6. Library organisation - I have been thinking about this for quite a
>> while, how the new library should be organized. Open as or
>> well organized and verified by set of maintainers. To me, the only problem
>> of kicad is it library consistency. I wouldn't use kicad for a large or
>> commercial project even the main components are ready. I would proposed
>> that kicad-lib-maintainer should be responsible for organizing and
>> verifying all submit libraries to maintain its quality.
> I'm sure won't go anywhere or at least the one with a
> similar idea will pop up the moment it does... A few of grumpy lib
> maintainers would probably do fine with the verifying and organising work.
> Those maintainers would just have to clearly state that we don't accept
> anything, but stuff that conforms to the following
> guidelines/standard/whatever. Just for the fun of it I'd gladly accept an
> "old radio style" symbol set for those few components that were available
> 50 years ago. Only if it's good enough of course ;D
> -Vesa
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As the condition is now changed, I think there is more work to do. :)
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