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Breadcrumbs for code bits


Hi guys,

Right now the breadcrumbs and primary pillar for branches are quite broken.
I don't mind fixing it, but I want some consensus on what we are wanting.

The way I look at it, we have several things to identify the primary pillar 
and breadcrumbs for.  Actually the primary pillar is pretty easy I think.

+junk branches, we use the owner
product branches we use the product
package branches we use what?  Distribution?  Or do we use source package?

Next we have breadcrumbs.

We have:
 * +junk branches
    e.g. for Eric the Viking
    Eric the Viking (mainsite?) > Branches (code) > branch_name
 * Product branches
   e.g. for Gnome Terminal
     Gnome Terminal (mainsite) > Branches (code) > branch_name
 * Package branches - harder
   e.g. for Ubuntu Karmic Evolution
    Ubuntu (mainsite) > Karmic (mainsite or code?) > Evolution (mainsite or 
code?) > branch_name

What about a merge proposal / code review for a branch?  What does this add to 
the breadcrumbs?


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