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Re: I lost something I liked


On Aug 20, 2009, at 4:44 PM, Tom Berger wrote:

True, but ... the interaction _is_ really hard if you can't click the
entire cell. We've tried that, and I wasn't very happy with how it
works. Also ideally we'd like all widgets of the same type to behave
in a consistent manner. Solving this is more of a challenge than it
might appear initially.

We should think whether we can better provide a link to the milestone
somewhere else.
Clicking on the cell would be okay if

1) You weren't undoing all that muscle memory
2) The text didn't look like a "click me to go to the milestones page" link
3) There was a list of milestones on the page (probably right portlet)

I'd really prefer #3 because very often I don't just want to see what's targeted for this bug's current milestone, but I want to navigate to other milestones. A list of them on the bug page would be very helpful.

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