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Re: RabbitMQ and codehosting


On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 04:02:02PM -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Gary Poster wrote:
> > Hi Tim and Michael.  I don't want Foundations to work on a project
> > unless a team is going to be ready to consume it very soon.  We did have
> > RabbitMQ on our plate, but neither Soyuz nor UI work appear to be able
> > to use it this six month period.  Will you all be able to use that in
> > these six months?
> We want to generate merge proposals, diffs, branch upgrades, and emails
> on demand.  For this, we need to be able to run Jobs on demand.  In
> order to run Jobs on demand, we need RabbitMQ.  We have been eagerly
> anticipating RabbitMQ since the Epic.

My question would be, why do you need to run Jobs on demand; what's the
end-user visible change here? When we know that, is there maybe some
other change we can do, instead of bringing in yet another moving part
to Launchpad?

For example, how often do you poll today? Can we increase the frequency,
so that it is like on-demand.

Also, I don't know that much how RabbitMQ works. If you have that, how
will RabbitMQ start the right Job?

Björn Tillenius | https://launchpad.net/~bjornt

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