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Re: zope class registry


On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Muharem Hrnjadovic wrote:

> Gary Poster wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Muharem Hrnjadovic wrote:
>>> Quick question:
>>> do we use the zope class registry anywhere?
>> I doubt it.
>>> Is it safe to use within
>>> Launchpad?
>> I'd prefer to use utility registration if that can work with your use case.
> Sorry for not being precise enough. In my particular case a number of
> classes would implement the interface in question (IBuildFarmJob).
> I understood the utility registration mechanism requires that there is
> exactly one class that implements a particular interface in which case I
> could not use it for the interface/purpose at hand.

The class registry you showed had keys and values.

You can register different utilities for the same interface by providing a different name for each one (I think of this as a namespace).

You can then get all of the utilities for that interface with getUtilitiesFor.  From docs:

>>> sorted(components.getUtilitiesFor(tests.I2))
[(u'', U12(2)), (u'three', U12(3))]

In that example, ``components`` could be obtained as follows:

from zope.component import getSiteManager
components = getSiteManager()

Is that sufficient?


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