Would the process be any smoother (if not immediately quicker) if you
could queue up QA requests, and then walk away and focus on something
else, rather than needing the back and forth of IRC interaction with
LOSAs? I'm wondering if it would be better to create RTs for this so
that you don't have to sit on IRC waiting for a response. I realise it
wouldn't be any quicker, but it should allow you to focus on other stuff
and get notified when we actually get around to it. For this to work
well it would depend on:
- You knowing and being able to describe in an RT everything you need in
a lot of detail (so we don't need to come back to you and ask you
questions about things like which user it needs to run as, where it
should run from, etc.). We could fairly easily create a template of all
the things we need to know that you would fill out for a QA request like
- Us responding to the RTs quickly enough for it not be a blocker.