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Re: RFC: either remove 'Ubuntu CoC signing required' for PPA use, or enforce it consistently


On 02/11/2012 04:09 PM, Robert Collins wrote:
> I believe jml has in the past said that the CoC requirement wasn't all
> that useful - it occurs to me that we can make LP PPA's easier to get
> going with if we drop it entirely; if we are not willing to do that,
> then I think we really have to fix the use-via-team hole, or we'll be
> tangling ourselves up in knots to justify keeping this
> partial-enforced rule.
> Any strong objections or concerns any which way?

Worth checking in with the Technical Board briefly to see if there are
any general Ubuntu Project concerns with dropping the CoC for PPAs?
(Adding it for teams would just be consistency with the current policy,
so more of a "bug fix" than a change.)

My first thought is that it shouldn't make much difference, but I figure
a few additional experienced eyes can increase the chances of finding
any non-obvious side-effects.

