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Team leads meeting notes: 2012-03-07


Date: 2012-03-07
Chair: gary

= Attendance =

 * Curtis Hovey
 * Deryck Hodge
 * Francis Lacoste
 * Gary Poster
 * Matt Revell
 * Julian Edwards
 * Robert Collins

== Apologies ==

= This week in numbers =

The week in numbers:
  Escalated bugs
    Fixed: 0, New: 0, Backlog: 8
  Regression and other fallout:
    Fixed: 1, New: 0, Backlog: 55
  Critical mine:
    Fixed: 3, New: 5, Backlog: 336

= Good news =

* Curtis: We have sharing data in our production database. Ian has produced a great example of how to write API services. Curtis has been working for Francis for five years today!
 * Deryck: Aaron has pulled ec2 test into lp-dev-utils
* Francis: Bluetooth is back working in Precise! The canonical-tech emails are becoming more practical; he liked Mark’s “learning organization” email. * Gary: Our charms are in the repository; our buildbot runs are working; we did a pretty good on our bi-weekly goals. * Matt: Lousy pessimist? Pleased with how Huw is doing with the difficult problems in the MaaS project; feels lucky to have him & everyone else in product team. * Julian: Juju branch has been merged to add MaaS provider! The MaaS project continues to go well thanks to the product team and Raphael. Pleasant surprise: Australia does not suck! * Robert: Lousy pessimist, second week in a row! He is pleased with the work he is seeing in the Launchpad team. Curtis asks if we will be ready to switch to Postgres 9.1 soon. We are waiting on some hardware issues.

= Next meeting =
Robert hosts

= Action Items =

= Weekly feature check-point report =
Julian: MaaS has gone well. Juju stuff has landed. Not yet working because the cobbler environment is not ready yet. The UI has gone very well. Huw is working on dashboard: dynamically updated pie charts. Current state: when you bootstrap with juju, it works with zookeeper, charms, and other things. A compete end-to-end test is upcoming this week. Deliverables for next week: dashboard and integration with installer

Gary: Parallel testing. Buildbot charms are in Juju repository; EC2 has Launchpad tests running in parallel (with many failures). Waiting on webops for machine for experiments and for deployment plan approval. Next two weeks we will deliver experimental results and bug fixes for tests.

Matthew: Work item tracker going well: ready to migrate blueprints to production now, and about to work on the teams and individual work-items view pages. Dan has information showing that they are on the right track. Might be done 2 or 4 weeks.

= QA issues & Incident Review =
- No incident reports
- Incident logs: only new item is that we needed to clear out three-day-old garbo jobs.
Bugs filed for all issues.

= Sprints, events, and conferences =
Francis: product strategy sprint before UDS, Julian or someone else may need to attend about MaaS. Oakland, CA, USA.

= Topic requests =