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problem with tplink rtl88x2bu-20210702


Description changed to:
I had problems with the tplink stick in when the normal /remove-driver.sh did not work well.  It left in the dkms tree the driver. The error codes were 2 and 10. The folder rtl88xbu was older one.

I removed the driver with the guidelines in the /install-driver with "$ sudo dkms remove "882x2bu/20210702 "-c "/usr/src/88x2bu-20210702/dkms.conf" --all" Then the driver was removed.
   I took the new intallation with "mkdir -p ~/src
				cd ~/src
				git clonehttps://github.com/morrownr/88x2bu-20210702.git
				cd ~/src/88x2bu-20210702"
Then I used ./install-driver and the stick was in function after rebooting.

Thanks to Nick Morrow