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Redundant language variants & the translation group



I'm looking at a question¹ from a user whose project uses the Launchpad Translation Group for translation, but who gets unwanted translations for “redundant” language variants such as es_MX and en_CA. The project uses Structured permissions, so anyone can add these translations.

That made me wonder: should this be solved within the translation group? Right now a translation group decides which languages it can and cannot manage translations for, but maybe it should also be responsible for identifying a third set: languages that it thinks are redundant and should not have translations. It would decide things like “our Spanish translations also cover Mexico, so if you let us manage your translations, there is no es_MX.” And it could enforce those decisions by selecting an empty “translation team” for those languages.

There are drawbacks:

- A project with Restricted permissions will suddenly seem to accept suggestions for these languages.

But if right now we're not seeing good, complete translations for these unwanted languages, that suggests that there won't be a lot of disappointment about this either. We could use a dummy translation team with a name like “Nobody — Do Not Translate.”

- If any Structured project does make use of its ability to translate these languages without the translation group, it loses that ability.

Do we know of this happening anywhere?

Would love to hear your opinion.

¹) That user question:

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