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Re: Reminder: users meeting at 17.00 UTC

On 9/6/07, Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> shirish wrote:
> >          It would be nice if the Reminder of user's meeting is done
> > atleast 2 days away with date & time so one knows. This is the 3rd
> > meeting in the row I haven't been able attend due to lack of not
> > knowing before :(
> Thanks Shirish. I've previously posted the reminders on the day so as to
> keep it fresh. However, a few people have asked for reminders a couple
> of days beforehand, so that's what I'll do in future.
> --
> Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
> Join us in #launchpad on

Hi Matthew,
         Perhaps you could do it both ways. A reminder couple of days
before & a reminder on the day above. This way if somebody has missed
either comes to know before. In addition an alternate way could be to
post the dates on google calendar or something like that and people
could customize how much time/days before the community calendar sends
them a mail. I dunno if this is possible or not but would be nice.
          Lemme know what you think.

          Shirish Agarwal
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