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Re: RFC: LP improvements

Oh ok.  I always see a ton of "debugging symbols not found" in the apport stuff, and I assumed it had to do with that.  I guess that's more likely to have to do with the user not having a -dbg version of the software.

On 10/1/07, Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Mackenzie Morgan [2007-09-28 23:37 -0400]:
> The apport-gtk also seems to send very little actual debugging information,
> probably because Ubuntu's default is 0 for coredumps.  I set mine to
> unlimited and noticed that I get somewhat useful tracebacks when programs
> crash now.

The ulimit does not affect apport. Our kernel is patched to ignore the
ulimit for apport (specifically, if /proc/kernel/core_pattern starts
with a pipe).

Thus, the information apport sends includes a core dump. In the data
center, we have bots running which recombine those core dumps and
debug symbols into symbolic stack traces. Look at [1] for example.



Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer

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