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Re: The beta team and real names

>>>>> "matthew" == Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    matthew> Hi,

Hi Matthew, vila here (from bzr).

    matthew> For a while now, we've required that Launchpad beta
    matthew> team members use their real names. As of today, you
    matthew> can join the beta team whether or not you use your
    matthew> real name as your Launchpad display name.

    matthew> Instead, we'd like to encourage you to use your real
    matthew> name but it's up to you.

Yeah, we discussed it last time, glad to see the issue solved.

I also mentioned, at that occasion that I'd like to use 'vila' as
my launchpad ID and you suggested (how appropriate :) that I
mailed the actual owner.

I did it immediately. 
email: vila@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

No answer.

I did it again one month later and another time a few days ago
with the same negative result.

So I suspect the email is dead (but not bouncing though). Since
this is a .edu, it may just be that the email is still valid but
the student long gone...

I don't know what the launchpad policy is regarding
recycling/revoking IDs and you may shed some light on the subject
so that I can claim it at the right time.

Thanks in advance,


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