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Re: The beta team and real names

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 04:43:43PM +0200, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> Hi Matthew, vila here (from bzr).
>     matthew> For a while now, we've required that Launchpad beta
>     matthew> team members use their real names. As of today, you
>     matthew> can join the beta team whether or not you use your
>     matthew> real name as your Launchpad display name.
>     matthew> Instead, we'd like to encourage you to use your real
>     matthew> name but it's up to you.
> Yeah, we discussed it last time, glad to see the issue solved.
> I also mentioned, at that occasion that I'd like to use 'vila' as
> my launchpad ID and you suggested (how appropriate :) that I
> mailed the actual owner.
> I did it immediately.
> email: vila@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I've replied back to Vincent, but seeing this now, I've freed up that
account for him. Thanks for reminding us of this!
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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