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Re: Beta Testers: Changes to Edge

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 8:18 PM, Michael Bienia <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2008-07-10 19:12:20 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
>> I think there has been a problem in the past that the controls for
>> data are not near the display of the data, and that the actions menu
>> is too long to easily scan.  So these changes are trying to improve
>> both those problems.
> I prefer a fixed position for the "action" items. That hasn't to be a
> box or similar, but I hate it to search where the item is right now
> because of variable length data. Especially the subscribe/unsubscribe
> buttons are now at the end of the page.
> E.g. when sponsoring a sync I need to add a comment, scroll down to the
> unsubscribe link to unsubscribe the sponsoring team, scroll down again
> to subscribe the Ubuntu archive team. It was easier with the action
> portlet where these links always were at the same position and also at
> the top of the page and not at the bottom.

I would certainly agree that if people have to search around the page
for something there is a bug.  Some of the changes in removing the
actions portlet are meant to reduce this kind of search time, but it
may be others bugs have been introduced.

If the sequence you describe is a common one then maybe more needs to
be done than just moving the unsubscribe links?

> BTW: Why are there so many people notified for all Ubuntu bugs? When
> looking at the list I see many deactivated account. Can't the list be
> trimmed down?

I think they are all probably user errors - people wanted to know
about all Ubuntu bugs but didn't realize how many hundreds of mail per
day that would be.  I previously suggested there should be an extra
warning before subscribing.  It seems like inactive accounts should be
hidden from the subscriber list too?

That is

Martin <>

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