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Re: Status of NUnit CVS Import

Charlie Poole wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm not sure I have figured out the right way to ask for help yet, 
> but this mail list has worked for me before, so here goes.
> NUnit's CVS import worked for a while, updating itself and then
> stopped working. I filed a question about this last week at

Hmm, somehow I hadn't seen that...

> but
> I haven't seen anything come back and it continues to fail
> with the same messages:
> cvs update: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
> /home/importd/botslave/series-0000313e/cvs_temp_repo
> cvs update: No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
> cvs [update aborted]: or set the CVSROOT environment variable.
> There were earlier problems in getting this up on lp at all, 
> I think due to some sf problems. Is there any chance it can
> be made to work reliably? If not, I'd rather take it down.

I've fixed the immediate problem (man, CVS is a strange thing
sometimes), but SF are blocking us at the moment --

Hopefully the import will being working again when this is cleared up.

> BTW, this has no relation to our project's use of lp for
> the upcoming 3.0 release - that will be native to lp. This
> only relates to mirroring the ongoing 2.5 release.



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