Hi, I've been playing with the Launchpad API for a couple of days(just after Debconf8 BTW). The API is very easy to use, but I'm now in a point where can't find some basic functionality, like retrieve bugs for a certain project. Can someone point me the right way to do it with launchpadlib? I'm looking for something like the SOAP interface for BTS[0]: bugs = launchpad.bugs mybugs = bugs.search(package="mercurial") for bug in mybugs: print bug.title If that functionality is not present ATM, a pointer to the right way to do it with the WADL description file would be great :) [0] http://wiki.debian.org/DebbugsSoapInterface -- Gerardo Curiel <gcuriel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> <gcuriel@xxxxxxxxx> Geek By NaTure,LiNuX By ChOiCe,DebiAn of CoUrsE gpg fingerprint: 228B 0F96 8653 DF52 9740 B75E FB32 9C30 E179 7BD2 http://www.debian.org
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